Why I Really Did The Whole 30

I've written about deeply personal topics on my website before, but this was harder to actually put out into the world because it's about something I've never really discussed with anyone, let alone the entire Internet. And, that's because this is about body issues, the way I viewed myself and, oddly enough, the relationship I had with food.

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This Is How You Will Lose Me

First, you'll make me afraid of losing you. For two months, three months, your calculated displays of affection will overjoy me, will keep me up at night with a smile as I remember the words you spoke, the kisses on my forehead, your hands pressed gently on my throat.

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Fancy Like The Things She Likes

When I met Zach Groth's parents for the first time, they asked me what the best part of living in Manhattan was and the answer rolled off my tongue without effort or thought -- "Your son's job."

Zach and I moved to New York City within a few months of each other and both started out at different jobs than we currently have. I actually started at TIME the same week he started at his new job, so I'm sure there will be a grand celebration for our one-year work-aversary at probably (and by probably, I mean definitely) Barfly because we're both very lucky to have landed positions we genuinely enjoy.

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The Last Time(s)

In theory, my New Year's Resolution was simple -- each and every day, I wanted to write. Months or maybe even years ago, I'd purchased a simple, leather-bound black notebook. Aside from the occasional grocery list or jotted note on something I'd like to tell my pen pal, it went largely unused.

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