"I love the Olympics!"

I have the coolest life.

I’ve spent my entire summer in England having incredible experiences with so many new friends.  And, now, I’m covering the Olympics, getting my graphics and byline in THE CHICAGO TRIBUNE!  I am so lucky.

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Cities & Mountains

 I stopped writing blogs.

This isn’t because I hated it.  It’s just that I have been so ridiculously busy my last few weeks in Worcester.  We’ve traveled to numerous places and had finally had to actually start turning in portfolios for our classes.  On top of all that, Chels, Annie and I have been working on an Olympic graphic for the Chicago Tribune as well as soaking up our last few weeks with people that have become some of my closest friends.

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When we get to London, it’s around 9:00 p.m., but our bus driver gives us an hour tour of the city.  We see all the major sites, like Buckingham Palace and Big Ben.  That was fun.  We also saw a man get hit by a car.  That was not fun.

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Back to Birmingham

On Wednesday, we went to Birmingham for our class day trip.  It was better when we did it alone.

The last time I was in Birmingham, we encountered cancelled Olympic shows, a lack of food and ran into cocaine.  However, we also found my future husband.  He’s a British bartender.  He’s a hipster.  I love him.  Chelsea and I made it our goal to try and find him during our visit.

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Strawberry Fields Forever

England is expensive.  Like, really expensive.  And, after our girls weekend in Scotland, I am pretty broke.  Luckily, if you aren’t traveling for the weekend, the University of Worcester offers day trips to cool places in England that are fairly cheap.  This weekend, we went to Liverpool.

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Oxford is pretty neat.

Obviously, that’s an understatement, but I can’t even figure out how to describe the city.  It’s gorgeous.  There’s old, beautiful buildings everywhere and it’s almost like walking through the past.  We were only there for the day, but we used it to throughly soak up the city.

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This Is My Home

I promise that I’m actually going to class while I’m in England.  It might seem like I’m just having the time of my life (which I am), but I’m also going to school while I’m here.

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Scotland's Neat

One of the greatest parts about studying abroad in Worcester is that we only go to school three days a week.  On Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, we have normal class and on Wednesdays, we take field trips.  This leaves Friday, Saturday and Sunday for us to do whatever we want, whether that be exploring Worcester or traveling to different parts of Europe.  It’s the best.

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Weekends In England

We spent most of the day exploring the two campuses where we’ll be attending class.  While our flats are right next to one side, the other campus is about a fifteen minute walk away, across a bridge and through an adorable neighborhood where all the doors are bright colors.  I love this.

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Welcome to Worcester

I now live in a different country.

For the next two months, my home is Worcester, England, where I’m studying abroad and working with a team of Ball State student journalists to cover the London Olympics.  We’ve been preparing for this trip for over a year and I can’t believe we’re actually here.  Already, I am in love with everything about England — from the accents to the scenery to the fact that tea is served at EVERY meal.  It is perfect.

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